Title: Elephant 1 - 2 - 3
Description: My big brass and copper neckpieces was inspired from the ornamental headgears that adorn the forehead of elephants during the festival time. The pieces are made by embossing the metal sheets in a traditional way, a practice which has roots in Jaipur.
Size: 1/brass: 290x480 mm, 2/copper: 230x230 mm, 3/copper: 150x150 mm
Materials: 1. Brass & 2+3 Copper, textile
Title: Drop
Description: The experimental enameled copper jewellery, make me understand the application and result of enameling in larger surface. It was like working on a canvas, building layers of colors, getting different patterns and effects, sometimes with unexpected reactions or results happening while processing in kiln.
Size:1.: 115x135 mm,
Materials: Copper, enamelling, textile
Title: V
Description: Enameling is one of the technique fascinated me much. Thanks to M/s Jewel Ace for permitting me to explore the possibilities of this techniques in their studio. It was really a wonderful experience understanding how color integrate and give delicacy to Jewellery, ended up in a collection of enameled silver jewellery. Danish simplification and the ‘fashion’ trends tempt me to create small oval shaped piece enameled in silver, further, reaching to large jewellery by connecting these small forms with silver chain and wires.
Size: 140 x 180 mm
Materials: Silver, enamelling, textile
Title: Tibet me
Description: Tibet me: Inspired by Tibet beaded neckpieces. Handpicked gemstones are stitch onto a fabric, and the result is a ‘big treasure of gemstones on your chest’
Size: 220 x 250 mm
Materials: Gemstones, textile,
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